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Translingual edit. Han character edit. 龖 flight of a dragon. Derived characters edit · 𧟟, 𧮩, 龘, 𪚥. References edit. Kangxi Dictionary: page 1537, ...
漢字 編集. 龖. 部首: 龍龍 + 16 画; 総画: 32画32; 異体字: 𱍂(類推簡化字), 龘(同字). 字源 編集 · 会意。龍二つで、龍が空を飛んでいる様子を表す。 意義 編集.
龖 from baike.baidu.com
龖 meaning and pronunciation. 龖. Simplified/traditional character. 龖 English definition. dá. a vista of a dragon in flight. Characters with the same ...
Mar 8, 2014 · Its what's called a 'hyougai kanji' -- rare or uncommon kanji. You could probably spend your entire life reading Japanese texts and not see it.
Many translated example sentences containing "龖" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations ... 龖 ()—. a vista of a dragon in ...
From a Unicode character: This is a redirect from a single Unicode character to an article or Wikipedia project page that infers meaning for the symbol.
龖とは、画数が多い、龍の字を含むなど中二臭のする漢字であり、以下のことを表す。 東京魔人學園剣風帖 龖 - 2007年放映のアニメ ...
Unihan definition: flight of a dragon. Number of strokes: 32. Examples of other characters consisting of 32 strokes: 籲, 䨊, 灪, 𠫑, 𡯀, 𡿥, 𢑎, 𢺴, 𣡽, 𣡾.